Hello World Commodore 64
Bleepstreet Records
Do you remember the old commodore 64? So long ago it existed it was the de facto standard before IBM, Microsoft and others blitz'd the competition, into oblivion. The video above this is an interesting mashup of that same system, prepare for the beats and enjoy the sounds!

More Videos Can Be Found: videos.hok-international.net

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Age Of Empires: The Conquerors

As I review ps2gamebugs it becomes clear that there was a slight mixture of one over the other so instead I will move the AoE II to this blog where it can be made more interesting.

Seems this is a pretty stable game, as it has been out for sometime. And most if any bugs surely have been found in early revisions. You never know though what you can find if you keep exploring.

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